NPI Canadian Equity and Social Responsibility Fund
The investment objective of the NPI Canadian Equity and Social Responsibility Fund is to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of Canadian equity securities which fit the Fund's socially responsible investing screening criteria.
This Fund is suitable for the growth-oriented long-term focused investor who can accept a moderate level of risk. The investor should consider investing in this fund if they are comfortable with a substantial Canadian equity holding.
No load Fund
$ CAD Currency
The Fund invests in a broad selection of Canadian equity securities including convertibles and warrants. The Fund may invest up to 15% of its assets (at market value at time of purchase) in foreign (non-Canadian) securities. In periods of unusual market conditions or while seeking investment opportunities, the Fund's assets may be held in cash, cash equivalents or fixed income securities.
Canadian Equity (including
convertibles and warrants)
Up to 15% of the Fund's
assets may be held in cash, cash equivalents or fixed income
The Fund screens for primarily large cap companies which typically possess strong management capabilities, strategic advantages, financial health and fit the Fund's social responsibility criteria. In the Portfolio Advisors' opinion, these companies have above-average earnings potential and favourable valuation levels.
The Portfolio Advisors seek to invest in companies that, among other screening criteria, achieve excellence in global environmental impact management; have positive employment and labour practices; contribute to socio-economic development through community involvement initiatives; and maintain an admirable corporate governance policy.